Sunday, July 12, 2009


I think disability cannot be defined without referencing the idea of normal ability. In every definition of disability there is a mention of a flaw in a human’s physical, mental, or emotional condition. That, in and of itself, indirectly points out the notion that their normal ability is impaired. I think disability and stigma are related because they both point out physical defects in a human.

I don’t really think that fatness should be considered a ‘disability’. People make life decisions regarding what they eat and how much they exercise. Obesity is extremely preventable. I do not consider obesity a disability because people choose to be obese. People also choose to work against obesity and make themselves healthy. I think institutions are created with regard to normal ability by buildings things such a steep staircases for high schools and other levels of schooling, and some certain buildings do not have ramps that are wheelchair accessible.

I do not think it is possible to deconstruct socially constructed notions of disability. I think this is because human society is too judgmental. Even if we took away all the ramps, disability parking spots, brail signs, etc. we would still overanalyze a person to find their disability. If humans appear physically different or act physically different, a lot of us are quick to assume they have a disability and thus feel like they must be treated differently.

Disability theory and gender are related because we see that women are technically disabled because a lot of women are kept in the house to take care of their children and do not have the ‘normal ability’ to work. Descriptions of women as frail make it seem as if they have a disability in comparison to men who have normal abilities and are strong. It once again places women in the ‘subservient’ role in society.

1 comment:

  1. Not all obese people choose to be obese. There's a variety of factors that can contribute to obesity, including certain medications, or health problems such as thyroid disorders.
    I agree that society is wayyy too judgmental, and that it would be very difficult to eradicate stigmas regarding disability, and maybe I'm being naive here, but I still think that it can be reduced by promoting awareness.
